Beach Cafe Tropicana, Las Vegas
Southwest Ideas Today brings a Multi Cultural Mix in style and substance that has evolved for over 200 years.
The Southwest style can be found from Florida to California and is constantly growing and still evolving in new ideas.
In 1692 Father Eusebio Kino formed a Catholic Mission near Tucson AZ in what was New Spain at the time. The San Xvier Mission was started in 1778 and was completed in 1797. It represents the oldest European structure in Arizona. You can see this Southwest European influence on Homes today in Santa Barbara CA. and through out the country.
Today’s Southwest Ideas incorporate European, Mexican, Spanish and many American Indian Cultures. All blended in today’s Residential and Commercial architecture.
Southwest has become the new Eye Candy in Architecture
The ceilings in many old Southwest structures used hand peeled poles (Vigas) as ceiling supports across rooms. Much as todays homes use trusses to support across a room.
On top of the Vigas were placed small skinny hand peeled sticks (Latillas) for the actual ceiling. Mud was added to keep out the weather.
Latillas Circa 1700
Latillas Circa 2015
Latillas today are used in ceilings, patios ramadas and even as Wayne’s coating on walls and even in the front of Bars. The Vigas (large Hand peeled poles) bring the glory of the outdoors inside.
Vigas are used structurally in Patios, Ramadas and even for interior use.
Todays Modern Southwest Home:
When you see today’s Southwest Homes you can appreciate the use of Stucco on exterior walls to emulate the clay adobe and mud of centuries past homes. Short Vigas (pine Logs) stick out from exterior parapet walls looking as they are holding the roof . Why, because 200 years ago they did hold the roofs of Southwest Buildings.
Southwesrideas.com is the # 1 source for Southwest Interiors and Exteriors for over 25 years. Our obsession is Southwest. We are full service including design, for your projects.
We start with the trees and create with our own lumber mill and shop to make you a one of a kind design. Our website has thousands of ideas and photos from clients nationwide. Looking for that different option? Contact our fine staff anytime.