Our goal is to offer the most innovative, comprehensive and effective healing model on the planet. Our clients will discover how to rebalance every aspect of their lives starting with brain chemistry. This substance-free program is centered around new techniques that breakdown old associative neural networks that drive dysfunctional thinking and behavior and through a deeper understanding of brain plasticity we use our proprietary process to in a sense reboot the brain without the need of any medication. Next we focus on rebalancing the body with a combination of treatments that optimize health and well-being. All of this takes place in a luxurious boutique hotel that has been transformed into the perfect location for the Therapeutic Retreat, exclusively for Trilluminate.
Our treatment is based on the recent discovery that dysfunctional behaviors arise from an internal biochemical addiction. Scientists already knew that addictive drugs trigger the massive release of dopamine and beta endorphin in the reward centers of the brain. This release overwhelms the neural circuits that originally evolved to motivate behavior for survival and reproduction. We have recently discovered that states of physical or emotional distress (when we are in “survival mode”) also trigger the release of dopamine and beta endorphin. Consequently, we can become “addicted” to being in survival mode. Dysfunctional behavior of all types, including “repetition compulsion,” dysfunctional relationships, and eating disorders, are various forms of addiction to survival mode.
These dysfunctional behaviors also frequently subvert the necessary functions of sleep, dreaming, play, and the recently evolved human capacities for “mental time travel” and “theory of mind.” Because post agricultural societies tend to push us into survival mode regularly, and limit our innate methods for getting out of survival mode and into balance, all post-agricultural humans are at high risk for persistent (and damaging) periods of survival mode. Our methods provide a highly sophisticated and neuro-scientifically grounded method for reducing our time in survival mode, so that we can experience the joys of life without persistent dysfunctional behavior.
The framework of our therapeutic model was developed with this new discovery and understanding of the brain. Our therapeutic process is geared towards muting or breaking down the associative neural networks that are driving addictive or dysfunctional behavior, in a sense hitting a reboot button in the brain and thus rebalancing the bodies physiology. Removing someone from the state of being chronically stuck in survival mode or relieving them from a hyper reactive stress response is the process that will bring them back into homeostasis and effectively deal with all manner of addiction, neurosis and dysfunction.
We have developed 45 powerful experiential exercises that are specifically geared to target this region of the brain.
The KEY aspect of the therapy. We believe with anecdotal support, that in fact what we are doing something that heals the brain/body so effectively and expeditiously is what we call it a “reverse trauma/ authentic attachment facilitation.”
If the brain/body can be knocked out of balance at the moment of a trauma followed pseudo attachment then the reverse may also be true. That we can trick the brain into survival mode by simulating a perceived trauma in a controlled environment and then providing specific and powerful authentic attachments so as to break down the entire associative neural network related to the original trauma/pseudo-attachment and to varying degrees replace it with new authentic and healthy attachments and associations. This has the potential to instantly heal someone from their subjective addiction, illness or dysfunction.
In different ways with our process we do this over and over again until hopefully the vast majority of an individual’s out of balance brain chemistry is rebalanced along with healthier beliefs, emotions and somatic experiences.
So practically speaking if someone is dealing with chronic physical pain, the pain may disappear in an instant or may slowly dissolve from one exercise to the next. The same result for drug or alcohol addiction or eating disorders and in fact the same result for the vast majority of dysfunction of all types.
We employ a mind, body, Spirit approach to optimizing and re-balancing our internal biochemistry and physiology.
With our psycho-educational approach as the therapeutic foundation we incorporate other therapies with other cutting edge and alternative healing processes to make this the most unique, holistic and effective model available.

Our definition of addiction: any behavior or pattern of behaviors that one feels compelled to do, and if they no engage in that behavior they experience some form of non-homeostasis. When an individual’s addictive behaviors create an out of balance state or some form of perceived PAIN (psychological, emotional, spiritual or physical) and the individual still continues to repeat the behavior.
1. Substance addiction: drugs, alcohol and food.
2. Behavioral addiction: gambling, shopping, work, OCD, or any behavior that fits the above definition.
3. Thought addiction : repetitive patterns of thought connected to any other type of addiction but also thought patterns unrelated to other addictions that have a compulsive and repetitive nature that cause an individual pain, fear or discomfort.
4. Emotional addiction : specific emotions like shame, anger, regret etc where we become addicted to the neuropeptides that create the emotional response and are compelled to either repeat behaviors or attract circumstances and individuals that would create circumstances and opportunities to feel those emotions over and over again.
5. Identity addiction: an aggregate of one’s beliefs or the stories that one tells about “self” that constitutes one’s identity. It’s only addiction if it causes pain to the individual or those close to the individual and then that behavior is still repeated in spite of the pain that it causes.

Even though the word addiction has strong negative connotations we are left with no other good alternative to describe accurately what is happening in the brain that leads to the vast majority of modern day dysfunction.
The terms: Dependency, habit, tic, idiosyncrasy and pattern simply do not suffice in providing a full and accurate description of what happens in the brain and how it leads to all of these different types of illnesses, diseases, syndromes, psychopathologies and neuroses.
In our center we offer different activities that help our clients with the healing process, just a few of the activities offered at Trilluminate are: Yoga, Dance Therapy, Drama, Art Therapy, Beach activities, Equine Therapy, Massage and Spa, the list goes on.
This is why we believe that Trilluminate will work for you:
• We have developed a brand new unified theory of human behavior called the Neuro-Alignment Model.
• We deal with all types of chronic dysfunction.
• We are a completely natural and holistic retreat.
• We are not a lock down facility; we operated under the guide lines of Trust, Loyalty and Respect.
• We offer more one on one intensive counseling than anyone else.
• We incorporate many different types of empirically supported therapies and healing methods.
• We believe that being in an enriched and loving environment is critical for heeling so we do our best to provide clients with a safe family energy so that they feel supported by the whole staff to heal as quickly as possible.
• We are an alternative to AA.
• We give our clients the tools they need to be self-sufficient and not be dependent of anything other than themselves. We teach 100% accountability.
• We offer the most innovative and cutting edge proprietary psycho-educational classes that teach the most powerful methods to rebalance your life.