Trees Love The Morning 30
Canadian artist, Jim Pescott, is described by clients as a gift to the world.
They say he’s “an amazing artist who knows the touch of light and captures a presence that makes you feel you can actually walk through his paintings.” And they tell Jim, “you not only share your talent with the world, but you do it with simplicity and kindness.”
“I paint landscapes because landscapes touch everyone,” explains Jim Pescott as he applies paint to his canvas. Jim paints using dots and only dots: his work is a personal signature sharing his passions, his perspectives and his reflections. He really is like no other landscape painter.
In this, his paintings bring viewers the experience of freedom as the canvas provides an open window to take a relaxing walk in the woods any time they want. So a Pescott landscape in your office brings visual moments of relaxation and refreshment during intense work days. Or hang Jim’s landscapes at home for meditative energies of calm and peace.
People who own Jim’s paintings talk about the calm they feel as they wander through the dots. To own a Pescott painting connects with his energy and imagination as he walks through woodlands and watches how the sunlight touches the earth. Jim paints amidst these locations as well as from photographs he’s taken: the energies of interpretation bring so much to the canvas in these moments. Also, Jim paints from his thoughts: places he will tell he he remembers but has never seen.
Jim specializes in pointillism, a technique created by French painter Georges Seurat in the 1800s. Pointillism relies on the use of multiple dots of pure color to create images, and Pescott’s contemporary approach to the art form has earned him the title of “Pointillism Master” by ARTtour International magazine.
For Jim, painting with dots is meditative: he watches a landscape and listens to the needs of the canvas for interpretation. The dots are layered: as many as fifteen layers at times. As he paints he always reflects on how nothing on this Earth is solitary: everything is connected. It is like atoms and the dots relate this. His contemporary pointillism style allows Jim to explore this deeply.
Twenty years ago, Jim left a successful corporate career to follow his deep inner passion for landscapes and especially for trees. In his younger years he explored woodland areas as much as he could to follow the streams and watch sunlight filter through to the forest floor. It was an amazing place for his young heart. Today the memories of those childhood treks are alive in his thoughts. He’s just as likely to paint something from those early times as he is to paint a location nearby today. Jim will tell you, “I love the intimate places where trees live. That’s where the magic is.”
Jim paints and people feel the touch of magic in their hearts. This is when you know the painting is the one for you, the painting that connects. It is the painting you can step into for a walk in the woods even when you are at work. The painting for you to watch and follow, dot by dot, as you relax in a comfortable chair and feel yourself let go of the stress you’ve experienced. Or as Jim says, “I love to watch the trees dance as the sunshine sings the songs.”
Jim Pescott lives and creates in Alberta, Canada. His work has been exhibited around the world in destinations as diverse as Paris, Quebec, Cannes, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janiero, Monaco and Florence. The historic French Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts juried and accepted Jim’s paintings for their Salon at the prestigious Carrousel du Louvre in Paris for four straight years since 2011. And Jim received a medal award from France’s national Academy Artes-Sciences-Lettres in 2013.
For Jim, there is no shortage of marvellous peaceful scenes for inspiration. “I must see a hundred things to paint a day and where I live the landscape is huge so it will keep me painting forever,” he notes. He shares many of his works on his website. But, he says, “If you don’t see a piece of real estate you love, bring me your favourite place and I’ll help you own it on canvas.”