When it comes to politics, I do my best to take a neutral position, being more of an independent voter.
That said, when I woke up the morning after the last Presidential election I felt sick. To me, the ...
Many fear that a second-term win by President Barack Obama will signal the end of capitalism. Newsflash: Capitalism has been dead for years.
Capitalism did not survive World War I, when that war destroye...
When I was nine years old, I changed schools. I moved from a school in a poor neighborhood to a school for rich kids. I did not know I was poor until I changed schools.
My new classmates lived on private...
With Rich Dad Advisor Garrett Sutton, Esq.
As this global financial crisis stagnates, a crisis is created by predators rising from the swamp. As we all know, "Desperate people do desperate things."
With Rich Dad Advisors Josh and Lisa Lannon
We are all addicts. Everyone is addicted to something. One definition of the word addiction is the inability to stop doing something that is harmful to yourself an...
When I was in my early 20s, I was told by a very wealthy man and leading entrepreneur that until we can handle a gain or loss of $10 million dollars with complete equanimity, we cannot truly call ourselves ...
There is something rotting in America. You can sense the decay in our presidential campaign process.
It stinks, it's growing, and it's dangerous.
There is something wrong when candidates for president...
During the first week of March 2014, two major revisions to the tax laws were proposed.
One was by Dave Camp, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, the official tax-writing committee of the...
For the last five years, I have attended an Investor Summit at Sea on a cruise ship as a speaker.
This year, I was also able to bring my wife and two boys, as it happened to be on our kids’ spring break ...
There is “significant value” locked up in the information about things that people own and are acquiring, says Scott Walchek, chief executive at Trōv.
Trōv describes itself as a private cloud-hosted “dig...