In our last issue, we wrote about the world of luxury concierge services and interviewed one of the preeminent names in the industry, The Bluefish founder Steve Sims. For over two decades, Sims’ team has built an advanced network of relationships with the finest travel, leisure, and entertainment organizations on earth. And while The Bluefish is famous for opening doors across the globe for its members, it’s also notoriously exclusive, only accepting about one tenth of yearly applicants. That’s where Taste of Blue comes in. This innovative new service offers Bluefish hallmarks like exclusive access to events, luxury travel perks, and business service discounts, all for a low annual membership fee of just $295.

Think of it as Bluefish Lite: all the same access for a fraction of the cost and minus the selective application process. And the best part? It’s all easily accessible via an innovative new app for your iPhone. “The idea with Taste of Blue was to provide the world with the same elite access that our members have been enjoying for years,” Sims says. “We know that some people can’t afford or don’t require all the amenities of a personal concierge, but we still want them to be able to taste the Bluefish experience, hence the name.” Taste of Blue gives you your own private concierge in your pocket, on call 24/7. Sign us up.