The Stronachs

Take one part The Great Gatsby, two parts National Velvet, add a splash of Art Deco architecture, a sprig of Colonial Revival and you have Santa Anita Park, a high-octane cocktail for captains of industry, ...

Jackie Chan: Man of Action

Jackie Chan on his Embraer Legacy 650. When Jackie Chan first came to the States and observed the milieu of the American film industry, he was shocked. “So they pay you to act in the movie, but someone else...

Shakira’s Global Education Crusade

She speaks calmly and precisely. Her voice is unmistakably unique. “I must confess,” the woman says before an audience of 400 attentive students, “I am somewhat mystified as to why you are here … I won’t be...

Leonardo DiCaprio: Leading Man

A few unavoidable truths regarding Leonardo DiCaprio: He owns an island. He dates supermodels. He’s been nominated for three Oscars and eight Golden Globes (and he won for The Aviator in ’05). He’s one o...

Sir Richard Branson

Prince Charles officially knighted Richard Branson over 13 years ago for his services to entrepreneurship,bestowing forever the title of Sir to the name of the world's most dashing, thrill-seeking billionai...

Jon Bon Jovi Interview

When it comes to selecting the most staggering accomplishment/factoid in the career and life of a culturally iconic, hit-making, rock-and-roll living legend named Jon Bon Jovi, ask yourself this: do you rea...