Dr. John Demartini, one of the world's leading authorities and educators on human behavior and leadership development, is the founder of the Demartini Institute, which offers an extensive curriculum of more than 76 courses on self-development, life mastery and leadership. Demartini's knowledge is the culmination of 46-plus years of cross-disciplinary research, and he travels internationally full time, addressing audiences in media, seminars and consultations. He is the author of more than 40 self-development books, including the bestseller The Breakthrough Experience, and he has produced numerous audio CDs, DVDs and online programs discussing financial and business mastery, relationship development, health and healing, the art of communication and inspiring education and leadership. Demartini has been featured in film documentaries such as “The Secret,” “The Opus,” and “Oh My God” alongside Ringo Starr, Seal and Hugh Jackman. He has also shared the stage with influential educators Stephen Covey, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Steve Wosniak, Tony Fernandez and Donald Trump. He has appeared on “Larry King Live,” “The Early Show” and “Wall Street,” as well as in the publications Shape, Leadership, Success, Prestige, Entrepreneur and O. For editorial consideration, please contact editor@jetsetmag(dot)com.
Are you plateaued in your business growth? Discover how to overcome common fears hindering your progress, from fear of failure to personal sacrifices, with expert insights from Dr. John Demartini.
Achieving sustainable fair exchange is a constant push and pull.
Are you creating sustainable fair exchanges in your many personal, social and professional relationships? Or are you exaggerating or minimizi...
When was the last time you faced or wrestled with a morally challenging business decision? How did you handle it? Were you left with a paradoxical outcome? Or with a meaningful, integral and satisfying solu...
Are you an optimist? Are you a pessimist? Or are you both simultaneously, but unaware of it? What if both sides of your mental equation are equally as meaningful and essential for a masterful life? What if ...
Have you ever noticed that whatever or whoever you become infatuated with, or philic to, you fantasize about the gain of and fear about the loss of? And that whatever or whoever you become resentful to, or ...
Are you being authentic, or are you often an imposter?Are you being true to yourself, or are you often wearing a mask? How do you break through any disempowering facades and awaken your most empowered and aut...
Is your company’s leader and overall brand making incremental and progressive steps towards growing market share? Is your company building momentum in the market and becoming unstoppable?
You may ask wha...
How well and quickly do you recover from difficult, tough or challenging events?
How quickly do you spring or bounce back from circumstances that try you?
How elastic, flexible or pliable are you when you...
Each of us has the intrinsic capacity to make a meaningful difference in the world, to contribute something original and impactful, possibly in the form of a scientific truth or technological discovery that...