Top Flight EW | Invest in Top Flight – Making Your Financial Dreams a Reality!

Top Flight EW purchases income generating companies and joint ventures with leading private equity firms and institutional investors to fund the M&A deals.

Top Flight EW is a rapidly growing and expanding company that raises capital through joint venture partnerships. We purchase and invest in profitable income generating assets and projects that give the best opportunity for a greater return on investment (ROI).

PPM Private Placement Offering

Top Flight EW is embarking on an aggressive fund-raising campaign to raise capital for our profitable projects. We will raise $3,500,000,000 ($3.5 Billion) in Equity on the open market. As a Securities and Exchange (SEC) registered company, we are able to advertise locally, nationally, and worldwide and accept funds from accredited and institutional investors. We will create a bridge and bridge the gap for joint ventures between investors with capital to invest and companies that need capital to grow, execute and expand their business models. We have built a model for our investors to preserve their principal and grow their capital.

M&A Platform Criteria:

  • Buy & Build Strategies
  • Revenues: Up to $5 billion
  • EBITDA: $10 million to $100 million or more

M&A Sector Focus:

  • Entertainment and Media
  • Energy, Oil and Gas
  • Technology
  • Precious metals and minerals mining
  • Real Estate
  • Financial Companies

Joint Venture Partnerships

Top Flight EW is a rapidly growing and expanding company that raises capital through joint venture partnerships. We purchase and invest in profitable income generating assets and projects that give the best opportunity for a greater return on investment (ROI).

In which industries does Top Flight EW invest and joint venture?

We invest in profitable income producing assets and projects in the following industries: Real Estate, Entertainment, Mining, Technology, Energy, Oil and Gas, and Charitable Giving.

Who are Top Flight EW’s customers and/or clients?

  • Mergers and Acquisitions Advisory Companies (Buyer Side) that represent Top Flight EW LLC in merging and acquiring/buying companies that are for sale and have a current EBITDA / net profit of $10 million to $100 million or more.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions Advisory Companies (Seller Side) that represent private and public companies that are for sale and have a current EBITDA / net profit of $10 million to $100 million or more.
  • Private Equity Firms and Institutional Investors who want to Joint Venture and invest their money in these Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) buyer side projects.
  • Entrepreneurs, Entertainment Content Providers, Business Owners, CEOs, and other business leaders that need to sell your private or public companies that have an EBITDA / net profit of $3,500,000,000 ($10 million) to $100,000,000 ($100 million) or more.
  • Investors who are seeking to place $250,000 or more in a company that has investment opportunities that yield a greater return on investment (ROI). Entrepreneurs, Entertainment Content Providers, Business Owners, CEOs, and other business leaders that need $3,500,000,000 ($10 million) or more to fund your projects.

Why invest your money $3,500,000,000 or more in Top Flight EW’s PPM Offering?

Our goal is for you to make more money and have a greater return on investment (ROI) with Top Flight EW PPM Offering. We have investment opportunities that yield a greater return on investment (ROI) than what you are currently making in the stock market and/or in your current investment portfolio.

What will the $3,500,000,000 be used for and where is it going?

  • The $3,500,000,000 will purchase 3,500,000,000 units of Top Flight EW LLC PPM Reg D 506 C Offering at $1.00 per unit, which equals $3,500,000,000.
  • The $3,500,000,000 will also go towards joint venture partnerships and investing in revenue generating assets and projects that will increase profitability, increase market share, and create customer success, which in turn will make money for the investors and gain a greater return on investment (ROI). 

The Big 5 quality evaluators for every income producing asset:

  1. Current NOI Net operating income tell you how
  2. Profoma NOI Target NOI what net income stabilize what net income
  3. Existing. Debt structure tells you how loans that are the property along with the unpaid principal balance.
  4. Sources and uses tells where money is coming from and what the money
  5. The exit strategy 

Investment amounts

___ $3,500,000,000
___ $2,000,000,000
___ $1,500,000,000
___ $500,000,000
___ $250,000,000
___ $150,000,000
___ $50,000,000
___ $30,000,000
___ $25,000,000
___ $10,000,000
___ Other

Why is Top Flight EW in business?

  • To make money.
  • To be a very profitable company.
  • To be #1 in client and customer satisfaction.
  • To be #1 in making money for all of our partners, employees, customers and/or clients.
  • To be #1 in return on investment (ROI) for our customers and/or clients. 


What are the growth plans for Top Flight EW?

Our plan for long term growth is to develop Top Flight EW into a reporting publicly traded company on the OTCBB. We believe this will add value and strength to an already profitable company. We will go public through a reverse merger and sell shares of the public company using the assets we have acquired.

Top Flight EW LLC is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and can advertise both locally and nationwide, and accept funds from accredited investors.

To view our registration, potential investors should visit:
Enter “Top Flight EW” into the “Company Name” box on the page and click “search”.

All of our potential investors can locate a copy of our company’s Form D and be assured that Top Flight EW LLC is in good standing and has registered with the SEC.

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